Parent Resources


Friday Night Live is a youth-led action group that meets on high school campuses once a week. Friday Night Live works to empower young people to have a voice in combatting issues that are important to them and their communities. Young people build leadership skills, broaden their social network and initiate projects that improve school climate and reduce youth access to alcohol and other drugs. Friday Night Live participants also work with Athlete Committed to implement the merchant and parent committed programs, aimed at reducing youth access to alcohol through parental responsibility contracts and merchant education. Friday Night Live is available on campuses in Chico, Biggs, Gridley, and Oroville.

Learn more at:


Club Live is an extension of the Friday Night Live program aimed at middle school students. Club Live meets on middle school campuses once a week and serves as an opportunity to promote resiliency and protective factors through the development of action-oriented chapters. This group of youth build their leadership skills while increasing their social network and implementing community change projects. Club Live has programs on campuses in Chico, Gridley, Biggs, and Oroville.

Learn more at:


Youth Nexus is a group of young people who work as a team to represent and empower youth leaders. Youth Nexus influences other youth to create positive change through grant writing, community service, and civic action. Since Youth Nexus began as the first youth philanthropy board in Northern California, it has provided opportunities to make decisions affecting other youth in Butte County.

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The Athlete Committed program is designed to optimize athlete performance and encourage athletes to lead A Life of Excellence! Athlete committed reinforces the importance of leadership, integrity, good character, support, and positive attitude. Become an outstanding athlete, teammate, and friend. Learn how one person can make a difference and how a focused, committed team can WIN – on and off the field.

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Impact Mentoring is a program that pairs excelling high school students with junior high students that would benefit from a high school mentor. Mentees may be referred by a school councillor or teacher. Impact Mentoring meets once a week on the junior high campus. Program participants focus on skills such as goal setting, creating trust, study habits, anger management, culture & diversity, preventing rumours & gossip, dependability, and more. Butte County has 4 Impact Mentoring sites located in Chico, Oroville, and Gridley.

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The Strengthening Families Program is a nationally & internationally recognized family strengthening program. Strengthening Families Program has 14 sessions focusing on building parenting, youth, and family life skills. There are 3 components to each session. Each Strengthening Families Program session includes family meal time, parent & teen skill building workshops, and family time to share what they learned and practice. Strengthening Families Program is offered free of charge. This program provides a chance to meaningfully connect with your family in an accepting and constructive way.

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The Butte Youth Now Coalition is a gathering of community leaders, stakeholders, and youth who convene to strategize solutions and make commitments to support prevention efforts aimed at reducing alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and violence in all communities and cultures throughout Butte County. Butte Youth Now Coalition focuses on policies, ordinances, and codes which support enforcement efforts and provide additional funding and resources. Since being officially recognized as a Drug Free Community Coalition in 2006, Butte Youth Now has become a leader in Butte County in implementing environmental strategies that have been proven effective in reducing youth access to alcohol and underage and high risk drinking.

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News & Media            Butte County Behavioral Health Prevention Services: (530) 891-2891

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